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The information in this website has been issued by Milkwood Capital Ltd, advisor to The Milkwood Fund (the “Fund”). The Fund is an unregulated  collective investment scheme (“UCIS”) and the promotion of the Fund either within the UK or from the UK is severely restricted by statute. Consequently, access to this website is only made available to professional clients and eligible counterparties as  defined by the Financial Conduct Authority. Shares in the Fund should only be purchased by persons with professional experience of participating in unregulated schemes and any other person should not act upon the content of this website. This website and the information contained herein does not constitute an offer or a solicitation, or a recommendation to purchase or sell any  investment instruments, to effect any transactions, or to conclude any legal act of any kind whatsoever. The information  contained in this website is issued for information only and is not intended to constitute financial, legal, tax, investment or other professional advice and should not be relied upon as such. Applications to invest in the Fund can only be made based on the information contained within the Funds offering memorandum and prospective investors should consult with their own  professional advisors and read the offering memorandum in its entirety prior to making a decision to invest. The investments described herein are not publicly distributed. Information herein may not be reproduced nor passed to non-qualifying persons or to a  non-professional audience. If you are in any doubt about your status, please seek advice from your own professional advisers.